Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lagi serangan ke atas Husam Musa 'ayam tambatan Anwar Ibrahim' isu langgar keputusan Majlis Syura

Monday, August 4, 2008

Husam Melanggar Keputusan Syura

Saya masih teringat beberapa bulan yang lalu selepas PRU12, Husam dengan bongkaknya mengeluarkan kenyataan "Sesiapa dikalangan ahli PAS yang berunding dengan UMNO akan dipecat keahliannya".

Apakah motif Husam mengeluarkan kenyataan sedemikian rupa? Siapakah dia dan siapakah yang memberikannya kuasa untuk memecat ahli sewenang-wenangnya? Sedangkan Tuan Guru Mursyidul Am dan Tuan Guru Presiden pun tidak pernah mengeluarkan kenyatan sedemikian. Hebatkah sangatkah Husam yang senang-senang nak pecat ahli. Besar sangatkah kesalahan berunding dengan UMNO sehingga boleh dipecat keahliannya.

Saya berpendapat Husam adalah seorang yang buta maklumat dan tiada pengetahuan tentang syarat-syarat memecat ahli di dalam Parti. Saya cadangkan kepada Husam, bukalah buku perlembagaan PAS, baca dan faham betul-betul sebelum mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan yang hanya menampakkan kebodohannya semata-mata.

Yang lebih penting daripada itu, sedarkah Husam bahawa kenyataannya tersebut adalah sama sekali bercanggah dengan keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama PAS yang bersidang pada 23 April, 2008 yang telah membenarkan Presiden, Timbalan Presiden dan Setiausaha Agung untuk berunding dengan sesiapa sahaja demi perpaduan dan masadepan Islam (termasuklah berunding dengan UMNO).

Tahukah Husam bahawa didalam perlembagaan PAS, Majlis Syura Ulama PAS adalah kuasa pemutus yang tertinggi di dalam Parti PAS?? Sekiranya keputusan telah dibuat oleh Majlis Syura, maka semua ahli adalah diwajibkan patuh dan taat - tidak terkecuali Husam Musa. Sekiranya ada ahli yang melanggar keputusan Majlis Syura, maka dia boleh dikenakan tindakan tatatertib dan disiplin.

Jadi, dalam hal ini, tahukah Husam bahawa kenyataannya tersebut telah terang-terang melanggar keputusan Majlis Syura Ulama PAS dan beliau boleh dikenakan tindakan disiplin parti diatas kesalahannya tersebut. Adalah amat malang dan menyedihkan sekali seorang Naib Presiden parti sendiri gagal menghormati keputusan Majlis Syura yang keseluruhannya dianggotai oleh kepimpinan ulama PAS yang lebih mendalam ilmu dan iman mereka.

Nasihat saya kepada Husam - lain kali, sebelum membuat sebarang kenyataan, fikir, kaji dan selidiklahlah dahulu, jangan terlalu gelojoh nak tunjuk hero sampai ternampak kebodohan diri sendiri. Entah apalah yang dikejarkannya....

1 comment:

Edward Skading said...

Dear Blogger,


My name is Edward Skading, from Selangor, Malaysia. My parents once told me that to have a happy and long life, you must take great care about the food you consume. Always make sure it’s clean, because cleanliness is next to godliness and I stuck to these values. As a result, when it comes to food, I always make sure what I eat is reasonably clean and safe. I also believe that everyone has the right for healthy, clean and safe food.

Recently, I exposed a horrible discovery concerning one of F&N Dairies (M) Sdn Bhd products on my weblog. It all started when my family and I was shocked to discover an abnormal brownish-blackish substance in a “Tea Pot” brand, sweeten condensed milk. You can read the detail findings, correspondence letters, photos of the contaminated milk and the foul conditions of F&N Dairies’ plant, at my weblog

Before exposing my horrible discovery, I have made a complaint to the company, but they are denying everything and not taking ownership of the product, even there is sufficient (justifiable) evidence that the milk is contaminated by mould and their plant have various foul conditions. I did not ask for any form of compensation, but I requested that the company be truthful, take ownership and accountable for their oversight, moreover rectify the problem and produce cleaner and safer food.

I also feel cheated when the company executive responded that they are not liable for damaged products in the marketplace. Looks like I had been scammed by the company after being a loyal customer for many years. If only I had been informed in advance that I was eating their products under unsecured risk and with no assurance, I would have immediately change brand. I would have chosen a company that is more reliable, accountable and concern about their customers.

As a consumer, I am sickened by the fact that we are not provided maximum protection from this sort of situations and whatever consumer rights we have now are defenceless. Even the consumer association NGO where I made a complaint (about 5 months ago) seems to be shying away because my grievances involve a corporate giant. With all of this going on, I feel my rights as a consumer had been deprived and now I am being forced to silence. Yes, the company is now suing me to shut up. They are using bullying legal tactics just because I am poor and powerless.

I believe, it is the responsibility of our whole society to protect the rights and benefits of consumers, and we should together stand up and uphold it. By doing so, together we will eventually improve the consumption environment and no big organisation dares to bully anyone supported by a unified consumer society and that’s why I am writing to you. I am seeking for your point of view and support towards a good cause campaign to protect and uphold our consumer rights.

If you are willing, I sincerely hope you can cover my story on your weblog and tell it to your world wide readers. I would greatly value and appreciate your kind support. I apologise if I had troubled you and I am sincerely sorry if this letter is in the wrong section of your weblog. Let’s show F&N that we Malaysians are concern too.

If you wish to contact me, please send an email to

Thank you.

Yours truly,

Edward Skading